Monday, April 27, 2009

not related to fashion in any way

so... sometimes (well, most of the time) when i am at work, behind my frosted glass partition, when everyone else thinks i am updating financial statements, i am secretly online and looking at:

a. clothes
b. clothes
c. oh clothes
d. pictures of tattoos.

i found this one on some blog, this person is way into giraffes and got a connect-the-dots tattoo of her favorite animal on her calf. it's really weird. and really cool and just really not cool all at the same time. i just can't make up my mind about it.

i mean, i just, i don't know... first of all i would never get a tattoo on my calves or anywhere on my legs. i mean, i am an ardent fan of the killer calf shoes and i just would not want anything to come between me and my killer calves. what if, you know, i'm like standing on a street somewhere and wearing ankle boots and trying to show off my killer calves and someone is like 'oh, nice tattoo' and i would be like 'what? what about my calves?" and i'd feel all bad and shit.

but i like the connect-the-dots idea (i think)... it's kind of cool. you know, if you have a kid or teach kindergarden.

anyways, i have to stop looking at this during work. someone from accounting came over yesterday rather unexpectedly and got a glimpse of a giant dragon sprawled across a naked man's chest and i just got really red and made a lame attempt at closing the window. it took like two minutes. far toooo loooong.

1 comment:

  1. I would get a connect the dot tattoo of you...

    ...and me.

    together and free.
