Friday, May 8, 2009

natalia brilli

found this natalia brilli necklace at reborn which i first read about at childhoodflames. i've been a fan of hers for a while now but alas, i don't own any of her pieces. my mother, however, does. so at least i know that one day if i am very very good to her she will pass it on down to me. though my constant fear is that by the time she is ready to give up her goods she will somehow favor my brother's future wife (her new daughter-in-law) and give all of her hermes and other such items to her. this is a real, legitimate fear. you don't know korean mothers. especially korean mother-in-laws. i can either try really hard from now on to be on my mom's good side or just pray to jesus that i will find my own korean mother-in-law with this gift-giving habit. but the latter is truly a gamble, cuz i could also just end up making kimchi every winter and spring. what to do...

anyways, this is a beaufitulll necklace. leather, chains, "slim feather inserts".... mmm i like the sound of slim feather inserts... she's usually known for leather embossing. she seriously leather embosses everything. it's like all of her jewelry/accessories start out as real, normal jewelry but then oh! let's put a coat of leather on it! which gives it a "i'm emerging from leather" look. even beads, her beads look like they were dipped in liquid leather... but i love this piece. it's called raven. and is $2917109480934809. wow!

(images from

1 comment:

  1. mail me one please! preferably the black one. noir in french correct?
